Equipment that can be transferred due to infrequent use is listed. Please make use of this equipment for improving the research environment of your laboratory.
  • Contact the owner directly regarding details such as the condition of the equipment.
  • When there is a cost for transporting equipment, the receiving party bears the cost.
  • There is a prior transfer procedure that needs to be followed. Contact the person in charge of supplies at the relevant department for details.
If you have equipment that is not in use and can be listed here, check the contact page and let us know.

Equipment name Product name Manufacturer Owner Person in charge Contact information

(*Change the to the character.)

Other information Image
Ti:Sapphire Lasers Mai Tai DeepSee Spectra-Physics Department of Developmental Neurophysiology, Faculty of Medical Sciences Ohmine Department of Developmental Neurophysiology, Faculty of Medical Sciences
■About Equipment and Applicant: Imai,
■Others: Ohmine,
Purchased in 2010.
Femtosecond laser for two-photon microscopy.
The laser does not oscillate.
Cannot be repaired because the manufacturer no longer supports repair.
If you purchase an equivalent product after repair, a discount will be applied.
Multiphoton Laser Scanning Microscopy LSM 7 MP Zeiss Department of Developmental Neurophysiology, Faculty of Medical Sciences Ohmine Department of Developmental Neurophysiology, Faculty of Medical Sciences
■About Equipment and Applicant: Imai,
■Others: Ohmine,
Purchased in 2010.
Dedicated two-photon machine.
Can be used if the scanner is repaired (will cost about 1 million).
However, repair service by the manufacturer is scheduled to end soon.
Parts such as housing, detector, objective lens, etc. can be used.